The Hispanic women with the hypertension and the
disease of the coronary artery answer better the modes of drug concerned ordering hypertension that the white women of not-Hispanic, university of the researchers of Florida pay. A study of uF described in the current question of the newspaper of the health of the women indicated that once treated with two generally prescribed strategies of drug, the Hispanic women carried out a greater ordering of
blood pressure and was half also that the white women to suffer from the unfavourable results such as the heart attack, the race or the death of any cause. The results provide new data on a population of the ethnic women who missed almost of such a research. “The study is single fact we were registered a substantial number women and a substantial number of Hispanic patients of a variety of various Hispanic areas. Consequently, we have data which enabled us to really entirely evaluate the
treatment of hypertension in this group éthniquement various,” said the Wet cooper-DeHoff of Rhonda, Pharm.D, the M.S., an auxiliary professor of research of medicine and the director of associated clinical research programme of in cardiovascular medicine the university of the uF of medicine. The researchers of uF studied 22.500 patients registered in the international study of limiting Sr-Trandolapril of vérapamil of terminal, known under the name of INVEST, and detected a sub-group of 5.017 4.710 of not-Hispanic Hispanic white women and who were assigned by chance to a strategy of drug containing one or the other a constant form of release of the vérapamil of calcium antagonist or atenolol of beta-blocker. The study of INVESTMENT was registered patients Hispanic than any other test of hypertension up to now, the said Wet cooper-DeHoff, and Hispanic participants included of the continent the United States, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Mexico, Canada, Guatemala, Panama and El Salvador. After 24 months of follow-up, the researchers noted that the two strategies of treatment worked - and worked better in the Hispanic women.The ordering of blood pressure, defined in less than 140/90 mmHg, was carried out in 75 percent of Hispanic women and 68 percent of women of white of not-Hispanic. And in spite to have a stronger presence of diabetes to the base line, only 5.7 percent of Hispanic women suffered from the unfavourable cardiovascular results, compared with 12.3 percent of women of white of not-Hispanic. The Wet cooper-DeHoff allotted the limited incidence of the unfavourable results to the fact that the Hispanic women fell under the study were younger. If the follow-up had continued over a longer period, the unfavourable results in the Hispanic women could have increased, it said. However, these women remained at the lower risk for these results even after the statisticians adjusted themselves at the age and other factors. Always, it informed that the problems involved in the diabetes are likely to reveal in these patients in bottom of the road. The “diabetes gives only unfavourable cardiovascular results of significant future,” it said. “These women would owe wellbeing supervised under the care of a doctor so that they can prevent future cardiovascular morbidity and mortality related on hypertension and the diabetes. In a paramount way, because the Hispanic population is the ethnic minority of rapid-growth in the United States, of the Hispanic ones - particularly women - should be included in future cardiovascular research in order to promote our arrangement of these high-risk diseases in the Hispanic patients.
”Hypertension becomes more widespread among women through all the ethnic groups, Wet cooper-DeHoff known as. And although one thinks that that would be really less common in the Hispanic women, few Hispanic were included in studies of hypertension. “The results of INVESTMENT are important because they show that this treatment for the Hispanic women really pays with far,” said Thomas G. Pickering, M.D., D. Phil., director of the center for behavioral cardiovascular health in the medical centre of university of Colombia. “They have something which really interests with this study, and it was not something which could be envisaged.”